I know this is kinda too late to start my blog because almost one month has passed since I had the best pizza ever in my life.
Yea, I was "busy". Actually in Roma(I prefer this way more than "Rome"), there are literary tons of things which I want to see/ experience. I feel I haven't completed even 7%.
I do not know if this is because this is the first time for me to study abroad but I am amazed everything, everyday for everything.
When I left my home country, Japan, my Italian skill was literary "zero". The only word I knew was "ciao". But I did not worry about it at all because I knew if I was in a situation that I have to use the language, my language skill is gonna be way better by just being there.
I think language is very very important because it is the tool for you to help/know something new, to communicate with new people. I learned about it since I entered TUJ. For me, the difference of race or nationality is nothing but very fun to know/understand.
Now I can express my detailed feeling/emotion,etc in English as well as Japanese. It took me to be like this actually 9 years(3 years are from TUJ). It was very long way and also very hard but I am very very happy and thank that I have enough English skill now.
I guess that's why I do not have any hesitation for using my poor Italian.
I am in Roma and this is a great opportunity. As I wrote before, I would love to meet new people, try new things and do everything as time allows me. So why do I have to kill my unknown opportunities by that little hesitation. If you are brave enough to say"ciao!" to people, the wonderful opportunity is yours! Open doors to new world by yourself.
People are basically very sweet but of course it is not always like that.
I sometimes become so sad but today is today, and tomorrow is tomorrow.
What made me very stressful and depressed was double punches that I can I use only English and Italian here. Here is basically no Japanese language situation. Really. If I wanted to use Japanese too much and suddenly yelled on the middle of street, I would be arrested and I would not have any friends to hang out, I guess. But I really missed Japanese.
I was very nervous about the both language for the first/second week since I got Roma, so one day I started to cry shaking my entire body in class. My body was too stressed and this situation was too much for me. Now English is more comfortable to use as well as Italian and I really enjoy it and this situation. But I realized how Japanese background affects me and my thought,etc.
This is another great thing I've realized so far that I started to think about my nationality. I can respect Japanese culture,etc now comparing to American and Italian cultures day by day.
To study abroad in Italy makes me think a lot and change a lot. This is real communication with people in foreign country, not "international atmosphere" in TUJ, so everything does not go on like I expect or want. But this is very great unexpectations. I would love to take them!
I would like to absorb everything. I would like to study everything.
I thank very much to everybody especially my family who helped me to come to Italy and give this great opportunities.
I thank my friends from Japan because their existence taught me how I love and miss Japan.
I thank my best friends from the U.S because what they have taught me about their culture,etc help me a lot to communicate to other students from America.
I thank my new friends here because they are a part of my great memory in Roma, and I can say because of you guys I can have fun time and I can think I am happy here.
I am pretty sure that I am one of the very happiest person ever in Japan.
Thanks guys!
Ok, now I try not to be too lazy about this blog;p
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momoko san no burogu wo yomuno wo tanoshimini shite imasu yo!
返信削除Hey! I just stumbled onto your blog through your friend Sean's blog (I'm a JET applicant like him, looking for all the info I can find).
返信削除I just wanted to say your personality and outlook on life is really awesome and I wish more people out there thought and wrote like you do! So hopefully you'll keep writing and making at least one little part of the Internet a little bit more fun!