
You gave me hard time so many times...but still love you, Italy.

Hmmm...I have been in Italy exact for 3 month now.
How many times I wrote my blog..? 4 or 5 times I guess;p
This isn't that bad for me. 5 times..great job,momo.

Well...this 3 months was like a storm. I've never felt anything stable since I got here.
Seriously, I cries a lot while I was here for nothing. I guess it was for something but even I do not know.I feel I have been in a huge confusion,I am really ready to go back to Japan. This is sad but this is true. Too much things have been going on and I am confused. I need even a one thing that I can feel stable.
I started to think "who I am" since middle of March because I was not sure. Even I like Rome very much, talk to people, know some Italian people, my existence is very very temporary here. I really needed to know who I am. I felt that nobody is here and nobody knows me. I wanted to find something/someone who knows me and remember me that I,Momo had been here.
I would like to leave something here as the mark that I was here during spring 2009 as la studentessa, for coming back here in another time. I have been confused and everything but I still do like this country. I just like it.
I have hard time here because one is language, I guess. I really do not know Italian, so even if I want to communicate with people, it is very very limited. I really cannot communicate with them..the another thing is time(tempo) because it is only 3 months, so it is very hard to find somebody and become good friends. As I told you, everything is temporary here.
That's why I think I want to come back here another time as different way because this country is too nice to leave.
As I feel comfortable for using English, I want to be like that in Italian,too. I want to study more.
I also want to know how I should manage my feeling/emothing,etc because it is important to be not negative and to keep your self chill. I dont know how to explain but I need to learn it a lot. Because I just get messed up and depressed sometimes.
Italy, especially my home area Roma..I learned a lot about so many different things. I still have another month here, so I want to enjoy every moment as much as I can. You know I am in Roma, and this is fuckin' awesome stuff! I am in Roma in real..I still cannot believe it...;p